Legal notice

The website is published by Can Do Consulting SAGL (hereafter “CAN DO CONSULTING SAGL” or “the author”), a company based in Switzerland.

Company address: Via Cantonale 11, 6900 Lugano, Switzerland

Phone number: +41 (0) 79 501 34 00


The web site of CAN DO CONSULTING SAGL intends to facilitate the knowledge of the trademark, its activities and services. CAN DO CONSULTING SAGL reserves the right at any moment and without previous warning, to modify the information on the web site. CAN DO CONSULTING SAGL is not responsible for any consequences or damages that may arrive from accessing to this website, the use of any of the information contained within or the accessing of other information on the Internet they may be accessed through links.


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References and links to third-party websites are outside of our responsibility. Any liability is denied for such websites. Access to and use of such websites are undertaken entirely at the user’s own risk.

Products & services

All information supplied on this website by or on behalf of CAN DO CONSULTING SAGL in relation to its products and services, whether in the nature of data, recommendations or otherwise, is believed to be reliable, but CAN DO CONSULTING SAGL assumes no liability whatsoever in respect of the application, processing or use made of such information, products or services, or any consequence thereof. All products and services sold by CAN DO CONSULTING SAGL are subject to the relevant CAN DO CONSULTING SAGL standard terms and conditions of sale.

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Copyright & trademark rights

Copyright © CAN DO CONSULTING SAGL. The copyright’s holder over the web site, graphic design and codes belongs to CAN DO CONSULTING SAGL. Consequently, CAN DO CONSULTING SAGL reserve all rights, especially the rights of reproduction, distribution, communication to the public and transformation.